Vice Chair Intro: Jane Kim

Hello delegates!

My name is Jane, and I'll be one of your vice chairs this year. I'm currently a senior studying Political Science, and I've been a part of the Spanish bilingual committee since my freshman year. I had the privilege of head chairing this wonderful committee in the past 2 years and I'm super excited to come back again for my last year in undergrad! 

In my free time, I love watching Grey's Anatomy and just got into Killing Eve, and I'm trying to get back into reading. I'm currently reading Trevor Noah's Born a Crime and just recently finished Crazy Rich Asians (the book > the movie). I love going on road trips (pictures from top to bottom: road trip to Wisconsin for a ski trip, road trip to San Diego, and road trip to the canyons), and I can't wait to travel more after graduation (let me know if you have any recs).

Ask me about: my favorite books, tv shows, and my honors thesis (figuring out how North and South Korea can reduce tensions)! 

See you all in March! 


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