
Showing posts from February, 2019

Further Committee Updates

Procedure Guide Update Hello Delegates! Sorry for the delay! We are currently working on the procedure guide and will release it Tuesday, February 19. - Dennis

Committee Updates

Committee Updates! Hello Delegates! We are actively preparing for your arrival at BMUN this year! As such, we are still making last minute changes to procedure and finalizing certain aspects of our committee. Update 1 : Some of you may receive an email notifying you of a change in role for committee. Note: this only applies if you are a secretary. Please correspond with me through email if you do receive a change and have questions. Update 2 : We will be releasing a procedure guide for our committee on Sunday. Please be on the lookout! We hope that this is not too great of an adjustment for you, but we are currently still working out some kinks. Update 3 : Comment on the blog posts! We are looking at who participates even before conference and will be taking this into account when we decide awards. Remember to practice your argumentative and diplomatic skills! Update 4 : There will be a Spanish procedure workshop on Friday, March 1 led by our very own Jacqueli

Machismo & Being Queer

Happy Wednesday! I was thinking a lot about how the culture of machismo really affects the LGBTQ community in Latin America. I stumbled upon this article about what that means for gay Latinos. Even though this article mainly discusses the experiences of gay Latinos, I pondered the following: How does a patriarchal society fueled by machismo affect transgender women, lesbian women, and others beyond the gay Latino community?  How might machismo have impacted Atala's ex-husband to move forward with his actions in court against her?  How does machismo clash with being queer? Is there a way for it to blend together with the LGBTQ community & its culture?  Let me know what you think in the comments below.

El rol y evolucion de la iglesia catolica

¡Hola a tod@s! Hoy quiero discutir con ustedes el rol de la iglesia católica en la sociedad latinoamericana además de su evolución hacia la tolerancia de individuos LGBTQ+. La iglesia católica por siglos ha tenido una influencia masiva en la vida cotidiana de la población latinoamericana y como tal, ha influido las acciones de personas ordinarias al imponer ciertas normas. Bajo estas normas, la homosexualidad ha sido vista como inmoral. Aunque esta norma ha sido aceptada en décadas pasadas, esta misma norma está ahuyentando a la población más joven lo cual ha puesto al catolicismo en un declive. El Papa Francisco entró como líder de la iglesia católica hace unos cinco años predicando la tolerancia y el amor para nuestros prójimos. Esto ha sido considerado como algo escandalosa ya que muchos critican que esta tolerancia va contra los mandamientos de la iglesia. El Papa ha abierto discusiones sobre cómo mantener la iglesia plantada en sus reglas sin tener miedo a ver las experien

Karen Atala Post-IACHR Decision

Post-IACHR Decision Hello Everyone! I hope you are all preparing well for BMUN! It is just a few weeks away, and we are all excited to have you come to Berkeley for a weekend of debate. After scouring the "web," I stumbled across this interesting article  "Karen Atala Doble Discriminacion" . This analysis of Karen Atala's place in Chilean society is not just representative of issues that solely exist within the nation-state. Instead, I urge you to think about these social and cultural realities in the larger Latin American context. The article touches upon major themes that are important elements to consider for your decisions and arguments in committee. These major themes are: 1. Gender bias and machismo 2. Homosexuality 3. Religion A few questions I would like you to think about and answer are: 1. How is machismo  an issue for specifically a lesbian woman? 2. Can you find any examples of machismo- type language being employed in